Internet users are wondering if Mark Geragos and Teny Geragos are related despite having the same last name. There is a lot for such fans to learn about the Geragos family, from their age difference to intimate information about their relationship.
Key Facts
- American criminal defense attorney Mark Geragos is a managing partner at Geragos & Geragos in Los Angeles.
- Tenny Geragos is one of the founders of Agnifilo Intrater, a criminal defense firm that represents defendants in state and federal court cases at trial and on appeal Teny’s dad is Mark.
Mark Geragos is Connected To Teny Geragos
Geragos is a well-known and skilled attorney throughout the world. His family has always piqued people’s curiosity almost as much as his professional accomplishments. In 2024, Mark will be 66 years old and wed to Paulette Kassabian.
Teny and Jake are the couple’s two children. Many people are also aware of Teny’s work life because she shares her father’s occupation.
The father and daughter have both spent a significant amount of their lives working in the legal profession. It would not be incorrect to argue that Teny had continued Teny’s father’s legacy in any way. Furthermore, Mark is now involved in a number of matters that the casual observer could consider to be rather complex.

Federal class action lawsuits Geragos filed against AXA and New York Life Insurance for insurance policies given to Armenians during the genocide of 1915 are one example of his legal actions. He is also the chairman of ABMDR and one of its founding members. Teny has effectively continued her father’s legacy. She has represented clients in a variety of criminal cases, including those involving sexual assault, wire fraud, securities fraud, public corruption, tax evasion, drugs, the FCPA, and situations where there could be major side effects like deportation.
More About Geragos Family
Apart from their careers, the Geraglly has always been close. The fact that Teny has taken up her father’s professional route indicates that they get along well. Her father’s and her brother Jake’s careers are very different from one another, unlike Teny’s.
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